Dover Admiralty Pier 25/2/01

Weather forecast for the morning was force 4/5 occasionally 6 or 7 for a time …..
The Breakwater was off!@!!! :-(

Drove down to Kent and awaited for Dave Hughes to arrive after 7am at Marsh Tackle… had a cup of coffee and a chat .. sorted some fresh peeler crabs and grabbed a mixed bag of fresh and wrapped yellowtail lugworm ……

Ummed and aarred about where to go … decided to head for Dover and try out the Admiralty Pier .. it’s sort of a self torture thing .. can’t get on the Breakwater so go and fish within sight of it, and dream all day of what could have been … sad.. very sad, but there you go … should have listened to that little voice in my head that was saying … Folkestone Pier … but no I wouldn’t be told .. so off to Dover I went….

Arrived at the Pier around 9am .. it was actually more that one cup of coffee and a very long chit chat at Marsh Tackle….

By the time I’d unloaded the car, got my ticket, walked to the Gun Turret, set up and cast out, the time was closer to 10am…. Uuuummm.. so much for the early start!!!!
Set up two rods with 2/0 and 3/0 wishbones, changing around with the yellowtail and the crab…. HW (6.3m) due at…. 12.25pm


10.40am.. pouting bites on both rods…

10.45am … 9” pouting on crab….

10.50am… double shot .. 11.5” whiting and an 8.5” pouting .. falling to yellowtail….

11.00am… Tide kicks in flowing east….

11.45am .. hit a tackle snag … lost gear…

1.30pm … double snag …. Lost both sets of gear….

Decided to fish just one rod and use crab only in the main….

2.40pm…. 11” pouting on a pennel baited with crab….

3.10pm….. 9” pouting .. on crab….

3.30pm…. decided I’d had enough and packed up ….. saw a 4lb codling caught earlier in the day further down towards the entrance, and in prime condition…. But it was the only one!!!

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